cittavino /a / i

[tʃittaˈvino] masculine/feminine/plural noun

(abitante di vino) wine citizen

We are a California based online wine retail with a rotating selection of curated Italian wines. Started by an Oakland native aspiring dancer turned NYC restaurant wine slinger, the site is fueled by curiosity for wine, the people that make it and the places it comes from. At its core, Cittavino & Co(mmunity) is about the people: consumers, winemakers, grape growers, field workers, researchers, however you may define yourself.  We truly believe that engaging with what we consume is the foundation for good business, good wine drinking, and overall good living.

The maps and detailed regional write-ups are meant to pull you in, intrigue you, and inspire questions and conversation. Rather than choose your wine for you, we want to provide you the tools to form your own opinions and make your own decisions. Do not be swayed by point systems or fancy tasting notes. Wine is meant to be an experience—your experience. 

The material published on the site is one of a kind and built from extensive research: technical texts in Italian; conversations with producers; working months long grape harvests; insecure and painfully awkward moments lost in linguistic and cultural translation; and of course, tons of wine sipping (drinking). Our expertise is Italy and for now, this is where the focus will remain. Even more specifically, southern Italy, as we find quality online resources and wine recommendations for the area to be rare.

We also want our expertise to be you— your individual, beautiful self. If you want to know about a specific Italian region, or are looking for a specific wine, please contact us. We would love nothing more than to connect with you and your wine-y soul.


Our 3 Pillars of Business

For us, engaging with what’s in our glass means knowing the wines we sell inside and out—the producers’ philosophies both in vineyard and the winery; winemaking choices/elevage; additives and use of sulfur; and beyond. We choose wines based on how well the wine represents its terroir and grape variety, if it is organic or practicing organic (often beyond, with most winemakers partaking in sustainable or biodynamic viticulture, production levels (most of our producers are artisans and their production levels are low), and treatment of workers and staff.

If we don’t know the producer personally, we make a point to get to know them and their wines via phone calls, emails, and on site visits to their vinyards and winery.

Cittavino is our play on words and it means “wine citizen.” Wine is for the People. You, the consumer, are the driving force behind wine production and you should feel informed and empowered. Know what’s in your glass.

Wine for the People means not just providing you with professional grade information, but it also means cultivating community.

The Wine Industry is going through a revolution and we are behind it 100%. We believe that the industry not only needs to diversify and be more open and accepting to LGBTQ+ & BIPOC individuals interested in this industry, but should also make greater efforts in recognizing those who are already active in it.

Cittavino & Co. is about creating relationships: with you, the producers, & fellow wine professionals. Wine creates connection and for us, that is the most fascinating and rewarding part of this industry. We believe in the power of wine to bring people together and be a force for good.

Finally, we believe that wine can be a tool for social justice. We co-founded Juice for Justice, a volunteer organization dedicated to social justice, and actively look for opportunities to give other wine professionals a platform to share their expertise involve the company in the Oakland, CA community and beyond.

We regularly partner with non-profits to raise money for their cause. Sign up for our newsletter and stay tuned for our upcoming partnerships and community events.

Our June 2022 partnership with Oakland Transitional Housing Alliance is in honor of Juneteenth and Father’s Day.

Michelin Star Restaurant style service from an online based company.

Our background is in NYC restaurants, where efficiency, personalized interactions, customer accommodation, and creativity are at the core of New York hospitality. We connect with you on an individual basis because we want you to be happy and fulfilled with your purchase. Members receive monthly check-ins from us so we can make wine selections based on their preferences. We also love sending gifts on your behalf, and go to lengths to make sure any gift you buy is personalized. It's about you and your experience.

Memberships are 3 tiers. All are based on smaller production, terroir driven wines made from passionate producers.

Questions, collaborations? We can most definitely help. Please email:

for cool pics, pronunciation videos, & wine term definitions, follow  @cittavino_co on Instagram